Hello Pandas,
My Name is Nurse Beth, and I am the school Nurse at Signal Hill es. This is my 5th year at Signal Hill es and 9th year working at an elementary school. I was an Emergency Room nurse before working in the schools. I really enjoy working with the students and parents at school. PWC schools have a Registered Nurse in every school. PWC schools feel it is important to have a nurse in every school, so our students have optimal health and safety. School nurses making it easier for the students to attend school and learn. Please let me know if I can do anything for your students and family. If I cannot help you, I will try and find someone who can help. My email address is [email protected].
Every student needs a school physical and minimal immunization to go to a public school in Virginia. It is a state requirement and PWC schools have to remain in compliance with this state requirement.
Some helpful forms are listed below to download.
Please note there are 4 allergy forms that need to be filled out if your child has an allergy. One is for the doctor to fill out if your child’s pediatrician would like them to have emergency medication at school. The other 3 pages are to be filled out by the parent.